Didactic Training in Scientific Professionalism and Ethics – GGG 296.
All eMCDB Trainees are required to pass the GGG 296 “Scientific Professionalism and Ethics” course by their second year in graduate school. The course was entirely re-designed in 2020 and is co-taught by eMCDB Director Fred Chedin. This 2-unit weekly course is taught over 10 weeks each year in Fall. Each class includes a didactic lecture by faculty followed by a student-led, faculty-moderated, active class discussion on relevant case studies to promote active learning and allow students to further practice communication skills. The course includes in-depth coverage of both rigor and reproducibility and responsible conduct of research (RCR) issues. Consistent with our mission to enhance graduate training, GGG 296 is open to all graduate students in the life sciences and 40-50 students are typically enrolled each year. GGG 296 satisfies the NIH RCR requirements. Over the last three years, GGG296 has been highly successful and popular based on student evaluations. Two of the five eMCDB-affiliated graduate groups, IGG and MCIP, now require their first- year students to take GGG 296. All other eMCDB Trainees must complete GGG 296 in their second year.